Why Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take So Long?

Why Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take So Long?

Settling a personal injury lawsuit can take months or years, which is a long time for an accident victim to wait. For many reasons, one lawsuit may take more or less time to resolve than another. Most injured plaintiffs prefer to settle quickly. But often, the longer we fight, the more compensation we can win. […]

CA Looks to Permit Lane Splitting by Bikers

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney In September, the California state assembly signed off unanimously on legislation drafted by Bill Quirk of Hayward that would formalize the practice of lane splitting by motorcyclists. Quirk remarked that the bill would help with decreasing traffic congestion on state highways and encourage safe driving. The practice of lane splitting, […]

Most Common Slip and Fall Accident Questions

The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani has handled a lot of slip and fall cases over the years. Our experience has proven that each case is unique, as are the circumstances around each accident and injury claim. Clients often have a lot of questions. Slip and fall claims can be complex and liability can involve […]

How Can California’s Tort Laws Affect My Personal Injury Settlement?

California’s tort laws can impact your personal injury settlement, especially if your lawsuit involves a public agency or its employees. They are exempt from liability under the California Tort Claims Act (CTCA). But you may be able to file a claim, assuming you follow the rules. In this article, we will explain how the state’s […]

Does a Release of Liability Waiver Have Limits?

Contrary to what many people believe, a release of liability waiver has limits. It protects a business or property owner only under certain conditions. You may be asked to sign a waiver of liability at a gym, theme park, or sporting event. But you’re only waiving the right to sue for harm sustained by circumstances […]

How Does Assumption of Risk Affect My Personal Injury Settlement?

Assumption of risk may or may not prevent you from receiving a personal injury settlement. Your rights can vary depending on the circumstances and state laws, even if you signed a waiver or participated in an activity with inherent dangers. Signing a release form doesn’t permanently relieve the defendant of liability. At The Law Offices […]

When Do I Need a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?

When you need an experienced lawyer, you can count on The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani for high-quality representation. We can help recover compensation for medical bills, lost income, and loss of consortium as well as other losses. Some injury claims involve more significant and costly losses than others. For the most serious accidents, you’ll […]

What Does Whiplash Feel Like and When Should I Get Medical Treatment?

Whiplash is a term often associated with car accidents. It can occur after a fall, assault, or sports accident as well. But regardless of how common the term is, many people don’t know what it’s like (the symptoms, severity, and impact on daily life vary from person to person). We’ll now answer the question, “What […]

Are Bouncers Allowed to Touch You?

Bars, clubs, and other establishments hire individuals to provide security services. But there’s a limit to the measures they can take. Unnecessary force, restraint, or detention are illegal. Nonetheless, in certain situations, you may wonder how far is too far. We’ll look at the legal limitations to answer the question, “Are bouncers allowed to touch […]

What Does Implied Assumption of Risk Mean?

People sometimes participate in activities they know are dangerous. For example, contact sports, skydiving, rock climbing, and riding a roller coaster have inherent risks. In law, “assumption of risk” is a concept that applies when someone is hurt by participating in such an activity. This can prevent them from holding another party accountable and pursuing […]