Construction Site Accident
Attorneys In Los Angeles
Injured on the Job Site?
Call our Personal Injury Attorneys For a Free Consultation
No matter how dedicated a construction worker is to safety, worksite accidents can and do occur. Equipment and safety systems fail, or supervisors don’t exercise their responsibility to keep employees safe. Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys can help if you were injured in a construction site accident. We always work to reach a fair settlement so you get the compensation you deserve.
Construction Accident Statistics
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, one in ten construction workers are injured each year. In 2016, one in five worker deaths was in construction, or 991 individuals. Nearly 64% of these fatalities were caused by falls, impacts by objects, electrocution, or being caught in between equipment, structures, or materials.
The most common accident job sites include:
Hearing loss, machinery-related injuries, falls, amputations, and more occur in all types of factories leading to a high rate of injuries.
Logging is known to be one of the most dangerous jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the logging industry had one of the highest rates of work injuries in 2015.
Heavy machinery, dark conditions, and long work hours underground can put workers at risk of injuries. Coal mining fatalities have steadily declined since the US Department of Labor started collecting data in the early 1900s. As of 2017, 15 miner fatalities have occurred compared to 1,489 in the early 1900s.
Defective equipment, faulty tracks, obstacles, train collisions, and other hazards can put workers in danger. According to the Federal Railroad Safety Administration, there has been an upward trend in railroad fatalities between 2015 and 2018.
Unregulated scaffolding, lack of fall protection, unsafe ladders, and failure to follow OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
regulations are just a few hazards. According to the United States Department of Labor, in 2016 5,190 workers were killed on the job. OSHA cited some of the following as some of the most frequent violations: Duty to have fall protection, hazard communication, scaffolding, stairways and ladders failing to support loads, and failure to guard machinery.
Working with electricity, water, or natural gas can be dangerous and lead to various types of accidents. In 2017, a Tampa electric company ignored safety rules that ended up killing 5 workers.
Common Construction Worker Accident Injuries
Our injury lawyers in Los Angeles tend to see patterns among people injured in construction site accidents. Some of the more common types of injuries we often see include:
A fall can cause a fracture or spinal cord injury, which may leave a victim paralyzed. Other common back injuries include herniated or ruptured discs, compression fractures, nerve damage, and chronic pain that can leave you unable to work or perform basic tasks.
A slip and fall or vehicular accident often leads to fractures involving the skull, wrist, hand, leg, ankle, foot, vertebrae, hip, face, or ribs. Recovering from a broken bone injury takes time, can trigger complications, and requires time out of work.
Whether you have a closed or penetrating head injury, there can be brain damage, which can require costly long-term care and rehabilitation. A head injury ranges from a minor nuisance to a life-changing event.
Vehicular, equipment, or other job site hazards can lead to the loss of a finger, hand, arm, toe, foot, or leg. The consequences are life-changing and your ability to work may be compromised, but our Los Angeles job site accident attorney can help you receive compensation.
Fractures, disc injuries, cervical dislocation, and chronic neck pain are common, while a spinal cord injury can affect the whole body; a neck injury often results in permanent damage. Spinal fusion and other major surgeries may be required.
An accident can leave a victim a paraplegic or quadriplegic requiring extensive ongoing care and in need of income to pay bills, for medical services, or installing adaptive devices in their home.
A spinal cord injury leaves a victim forever changed, possibly unable to walk, use their arms, or perform basic tasks such as brushing their teeth or getting ready. A lack of income and bills for medical care and regular care present undue challenges.
An at-fault supervisor, contractor, or other party can be held accountable for a fatal accident. Surviving family members, including widows, widowers, children, or dependent parents, may be compensated with a wrongful death legal settlement or through the worker’s compensation system
Causes of Construction Site Accidents
The systems used on construction sites are inherently dangerous. Common accident causes include:
Crane accidents occur due to equipment malfunctions, distracted operators, contact with overhead power lines, or outside forces such as windstorms.
Aside from high voltage on construction sites, wiring is often exposed or not properly installed, causing electrocution hazards. Unsuitable enclosures, improper guarding to avoid contact, or absent markings can also increase the risk.
Safety defects or improper maintenance puts workers at risk of preventable failures that can result in catastrophic injuries and/or death.
Even small objects and tools can be dangerous under the force of gravity, while swinging and flying objects can be deadly as well. Safety helmets and other protective equipment should always be used.
Issues with defects, maintenance, training, and supervision can lead to equipment accidents; large vehicles can injure workers when backing up, and heavy equipment is often involved when falling objects strike workers.
Falls from heights, down a hole or shaft, or due to debris, protruding nails, and structural instability or lack of safety precautions cause hundreds of deaths every year.
All manufacturers, employers, and workers are required to follow OSHA standards. Violating these can be fatal, and a construction site accident attorney in Los Angeles can determine whether a violation caused an accident.
Common Construction Site Accident FAQs
Your settlement will be negotiated based in part on your medical costs, so it should cover your past, present, and future bills.
Wages lost due to your injury can be reimbursed as part of your settlement or through worker’s compensation, unless your employer is grossly negligent.
Our Los Angeles construction accident lawyer will help determine your future needs based on a complete assessment of your condition and abilities, factoring these in during the negotiation process.
Your attorney will help you obtain an adequate settlement, worker’s compensation, or Social Security Disability benefits where possible.
Contact The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani Today
If you or a loved one has been injured in a construction site accident, our Los Angeles construction site accident attorney can fight for you.
Call the firm today to set up your no-cost consultation!
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Contact the Law
Offices of
Jacob Emrani
In many instances, personal injury cases are about much more than just taking care of your medical costs.
While the often overwhelming costs of receiving medical care and treatment that could be ongoing, long-term or even permanent for your physical injuries are certainly a part of cases like these, your Los Angeles personal injury attorney can also assist you in seeking compensation for injuries that extend to emotional hardship, damage to your personal property and financial coverage.
If you would like to discuss your own personal injury case with a passionate, knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles, we invite you to contact the Law Offices of Jacob Emrani today to schedule a free evaluation of your case. If it is more convenient, one of our dedicated team members can come directly to you.