L.A. Pedestrians Increasingly Threatened by Accidents


Reliable Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Lawyer: Jacob Emrani

Some of the best cities in the world are known for their ease of access and the ability for people to walk around to take in the sights.

Urban ease of access is also great for the local economy – people who are walking around are much more likely to stop when they see an interesting local business and purchase something.

All in all, L.A. is a beautiful place to be, but if you are a pedestrian, there are some risks inherent. The danger to pedestrians is so high that the mayor actually unveiled a program called ‘Vision Zero’ aimed at making sure that pedestrians are safe. The program has some room to improve so far, as the year 2017 saw a 22% rise in pedestrian fatalities due to accidents.

Instead of going down, the number of people dying and begin seriously injured in an accident while walking around L.A. is going up. Why are pedestrians here in such danger? A lot of it has to do with the local driving culture.


L.A. is notorious for speeding, and it is easy to see why that leads to more fatalities and accidents for pedestrians. People simply do not realize how big of a problem speeding is in Los Angeles, with its culture of speeding and flashy cars. All this comes together to create the perfect environment for pedestrian deaths and injuries.

Aggressive Driving

On top of excessive speeding, another problem is the amount of aggression in local drivers. This isn’t a unique problem with L.A. – many cities all over the world have the same issues. It may seem normal to you to swerve around frantically and honk at the other cars, but this isn’t typical for most places. Aggressive driving also means much more dangerous driving. It means making quick moves, which surprise pedestrians and leads to car accidents in Los Angeles and pedestrian accidents.

Drunk Driving

L.A. is well known for its nightlife. Sadly, that also means that a lot of people drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, endangering themselves, other passengers, and pedestrians.

Personal Injury Claims

With such a high number of pedestrian injuries, we can easily see why the place also sees a high number of personal injury claims. If you are in L.A. and you have been hit by a driver, then you need to make sure that you choose a good personal injury attorney in Los Angeles for your injury claim. You will find that the local judges tend to be very sympathetic to your cause. This is because such accidents are so common in L.A. that judges know exactly what to do in such a situation.

Los Angeles is a great place to live, though pedestrians need to be wary and call an attorney if they are injured by a reckless motorist. Some very smart and dedicated people are working hard at coming up with solutions to LA’s traffic and pedestrian situation, but it is up to you as the injured party to be assertive in pressing your rights to file a claim for financial compensation.

Call The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani if you or a loved one have been seriously injured in an accident & need an Los Angeles injury attorney.  Call us at (888) 970-3945 to set up a consultation today!

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