When Do You Pay a Los Angeles Injury Law Firm?

Many legal service providers charge upfront or hourly fees. However, personal injury lawyers usually do things a little differently. They typically work under a contingency fee plan. This means they get paid only if the plaintiff receives a financial award after winning their lawsuit. We’ll explain when you’ll be expected to pay a Los Angeles injury law firm and how the contingency fee process works.

A contingency fee is paid when:

  • A settlement is reached with the defendant’s insurance company, or
  • A jury reaches a verdict and awards a monetary amount, or
  • A judgment is issued and the proceeds are distributed per a court order.

If your attorney works on a contingency fee basis, you won’t be charged an hourly fee. Also, you won’t have to make payments at different times during litigation.

How Contingency Fee Payments Work

When your case concludes, your attorney will prepare a settlement disbursement sheet. It lists the total settlement amount and deductions to be made before the payment is released. Attorney’s fees, medical bills, and lien amounts are just some items that can be subtracted from the total amount awarded. Once you review the sheet, you’ll be required to sign and return it to your lawyer so you can receive a check for the remainder.

This arrangement will have begun long before you’re close to a settlement. Your attorney will require you to fill out a contingency fee agreement (CFA) before they even start working on your case. The CFA identifies the percentage of the settlement amount your lawyer will get. This can be significant. However, it depends on the complexity of the case and the extent of the injuries or damages involved.

Benefits of Working on a Contingency Fee Basis

A contingency fee arrangement enables the attorney and client to work towards a common goal. While your Los Angeles injury law firm will have to wait to get paid (or not get paid at all if the case loses), it means:

  • You can afford to file a lawsuit if facing financial difficulties.
  • It’s possible to seek compensation from another party even if you can’t pay legal fees.
  • Out-of-pocket costs are avoided if you’re unable to work.
  • There’s time to build a strong case against a liable party.
  • You know the percentage your attorney will take ahead of time, reducing financial pressure.

It’s no secret that personal injury cases take time. Complex cases can take years to conclude, so clients may have to wait to receive a financial award while they’re struggling. Once a CFA is signed, you will not be expected to make any payments to your attorney until a judgment, verdict, or settlement is reached. This takes away a lot of pressure and buys time to focus on your case.

Call Jacob: A Leading Los Angeles Injury Law Firm

At The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani, we begin each case with a free consultation, and charge no fees until we win. Our team also connects clients with the medical treatment they need. We fight to win and have recovered millions of dollars in damages for clients throughout California. Familiar with the latest laws and insurance company tactics, our law firm is aggressive and determined to ensure you’re properly compensated for physical, emotional, property, or financial damages following any type of accident.

Call Jacob at (888) 952-2952 to schedule your free consultation, today.

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