What You Need to Do After a Truck Accident in Los Angeles


Any kind of motor vehicle accident is scary. A truck accident can be even more serious and terrifying than a car crash. If you’re involved in an accident with a truck in Los Angeles, it is critical to make the right choices, from seeking immediate medical attention to contacting the police, to gathering all the information you can.

Learn what to do after a truck accident with the information below, which can also protect your legal rights and help build your case.

Contact Authorities for Help

Calling the authorities is the first thing you should do. But the circumstances of each truck accident are different. Call 911 as soon as you gather your thoughts, and check if you or any passengers are injured. Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible. When law enforcement arrives, they’ll create an accident report to document the incident, gather information from witnesses, and inform you on what your next step should be. First responders will be dispatched as well.

Assess Situation and Gather Information

If at all possible, move your car off the road and a safe distance from the accident scene. Exchange information with other parties involved. You want to obtain several important details, including:

  • Contact information: The driver’s name, license, phone number, and email.
  • Insurance: The other party’s auto insurance company, phone number, and policy.
  • Employer details: The name and contact information of the truck driver’s employer.

If any witnesses are present, obtain their contact information as well. You can collect a witness statement on your own, ask for their phone number or other information in case their account is needed, or find witnesses who were interviewed by police when creating the accident report. Also note, the police officer who created the report can be a witness.

Document the Accident

Use photos, video, and audio to capture as much evidence as you can. This includes photos of license plates, injuries, and damage to your car and the truck. Documenting the accident can provide accurate information that proves the severity of your injuries and who may have been at fault. It shows how many people were there and can indicate the time of day the accident happened.

Seek Medical Attention

Whether you were obviously injured or don’t believe you were hurt, see a doctor or receive emergency medical treatment as soon as you can. A medical evaluation should be performed quickly after the accident. Inform medical personnel of any pain or discomfort you feel and have them check for injuries. A medical evaluation can identify serious issues such as internal bleeding and provide evidence that connects your injuries to the accident.

Speak Carefully

An insurance adjuster will contact you at some point after the accident. It’s important to be careful what you say, because your words can be used against you, especially if your statement can be perceived as admitting fault or liability. If so, it can jeopardize the merit of your case and prevent you from receiving any compensation. You’re better off speaking to a truck accident lawyer before agreeing to speak with any insurance adjuster.

Call an Attorney for Your Truck Accident in Los Angeles

It’s important to contact a truck accident lawyer, as cases involving commercial truck crashes are different. Trucking companies work with powerful insurance companies. Your attorney will fight for your rights and help get the compensation you deserve. Also, be sure to know any statute of limitations that applies to your claim or lawsuit. In California, you have up to two years to file a personal injury claim, so it can be more challenging to seek compensation the longer you wait.

Contact The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani

A trusted serious injury law firm, The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani specializes in truck and transportation accident law and can help you get compensated for your injuries, losses, and damages. We are open and safely helping clients during the coronavirus pandemic. For a free consultation, call our Los Angeles truck accident attorney at 888-952-2952 today.

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