What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Vehicle Rollover Accident?

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Vehicle Rollover Accident

A vehicle rollover is the most dangerous and deadly kind of accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 30% of passenger vehicle occupant fatalities occur due to rollover crashes.

Speeding, impaired/distracted drivers, and aggressive driving are common causes of rollovers, which involve cars going end over end in a rolling motion until the vehicle comes to a stop upright, on its side, or upside down on the roof. Survivors of such crashes often sustain severe and catastrophic injuries. These can include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): It is common for vehicle occupants to hit their heads on the steering wheel, the side of the door, or a moving object during a rollover. Those not secured by a seatbelt are at the greatest risk. A TBI often leads to brain bleeds and a loss of oxygen to the brain, resulting in memory loss, cognitive impairment, loss of bodily functions, coma, and death.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Sudden movement and strong forces can cause spinal compression and damage to the discs in between the vertebrae. The effects range from chronic pain to paralysis in one or more limbs, as well as loss of body functions.
  • Broken Bones: Multiple impacts can occur in a vehicle rollover. It’s not uncommon for victims to suffer broken arms, legs, ribs, and spinal bones or even a skull fracture. Broken bones often require surgery and can result in long-term pain and limitations in mobility.
  • Internal Bleeding: Rollover crash impacts can severely damage internal organs. It’s often difficult to identify the source of the bleeding right away. Organs in the chest and abdomen have a large blood supply and are connected by major arteries; death, therefore, often occurs quickly.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: A variety of strong forces can cause significant damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and joints. Significant impairment may occur, and it can take years of surgeries and rehabilitation to regain basic functions.
  • Cuts and Bruises: Objects can be thrown violently around the vehicle during a rollover crash, causing serious cuts, bruises, and scrapes. These may require stitches and other immediate medical treatments. Some victims are bruised enough to experience long-term pain and even scarring.

Can I Be Compensated for Vehicle Rollover Accident Injuries?

Rollover crashes tend to result in multiple injuries. These often require surgeries, appointments with specialists, and supportive medical equipment, not to mention ongoing physical and occupational therapy. Medications are typically required as well. The expenses quickly add up, but you can receive compensation for these from your rollover accident claim.

Compensation for lost income is also a big part of accident claims. Losing the ability to work is a serious financial blow. To make matters worse, recovering from rollover accident injuries can take a long time, during which you may have little or no income. But that doesn’t stop the bills from coming in. Therefore, long-term financial struggles must be factored into your compensation.

You can also be compensated for pain and suffering on top of the financial losses and strain you experience due to the accident. This can include noneconomic damages such as emotional trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, and challenges in caring for yourself. A personal injury attorney will help evaluate your case and determine how to present your claim in fighting for maximum financial recovery.

Call Jacob Today

At The Law Offices of Jacob Emrani, we’ve recovered millions of dollars in damages for clients who’ve been injured in serious accidents such as vehicle rollovers. We hold negligent parties accountable and take on the insurance companies. No matter what types of injuries you’ve sustained, our Los Angeles car accident attorneys will fight for you. Call 888-952-2952 for your free consultation.

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