This Week In the News: SoCal Coronavirus Updates 03/23-03/06

Normal Routines, Filling the Emotional Tank and Staying Socially Connected Key to Mental Health During Coronavirus Isolation

Thursday, March 26 (CBS Los Angeles) – On Thursday, Mayo Clinic psychologist Dr. Craig Sawchuk offered advice on coping while maintaining social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak. In the wake of uncertainty, he said to maintain daily routines and a nutritious diet, exercise and be productive, and to stay socially connected. He suggested using the phone, texting, and using video to stay in touch with family and friends. For those whose day-to-day activities and problem-solving ability are affected by stress and sleep issues, Dr. Sawchuck suggested seeking help through the Anxiety Depression Association of America (

Coronavirus Southern California Update: Los Angeles County Sees 9 Additional Deaths, 421 New Cases Confirmed

Friday, March 27 (ABC 7) – As of Friday morning, there were 1,216 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in Los Angeles County and 21 deaths. There were 256 cases in Orange County, 107 in Riverside County, 50 in Ventura County, and 242 in San Diego County. On Thursday, San Bernardino County reported its third death, while Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced the city was partnering with local manufacturers to produced 5 million masks. New cases impacted the Cal State Northridge campus on Wednesday, while on Thursday, former Rancho Palos Verdes Mayor Susan Brooks was hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19.

Coronavirus: Los Angeles Working with Local Factories to Produce Needed Medical Supplies

Thursday, March 26 (CBS Los Angeles) – Addressing the shortage of critical medical supplies, Los Angeles City Councilman David Ryu said, on Thursday, that officials are working to address the problem. The city has ordered 20,000 tests from a South Korean company. It is also working with local manufacturers and factories to obtain face masks, hospital gowns, swabs, and aprons. In addition, Ryu criticized the federal government for not providing much-needed help.

Halt on Evictions for Residents, Businesses Begins Immediately Following City Council Vote

Wednesday, March 25 (Fox 5 San Diego) – On Wednesday, the San Diego City Council unanimously voted on an eviction moratorium during an emergency meeting. The measure provides relief to residents and businesses facing financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. It temporarily halted evictions until May 31, and a multimillion-dollar small business relief fund was approved as well. “San Diegans shouldn’t have to worry about losing their home or storefront during this public health emergency, and now relief is here,” said San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer.

Coronavirus Updates: US Leads World in Cases; Health Care Workers Speak Out

Thursday, March 26 (NBC Los Angeles) – On Thursday, the Senate unanimously passed a $2.2 trillion economic rescue package. Set to go to the House, it would provide aid to businesses, workers, and health care systems in the U.S. The Navy hospital shop USNS Mercy is scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles on Friday to provide medical support. A stay-at-home directive was issued by Montana Governor Steve Bullock as 90 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in that state and the United States exceeded China in the number of people infected by coronavirus.

Many Banks to Waive Mortgage Payments, Foreclosures for Californians Impacted By Coronavirus

Wednesday, March 25 (CapRadio) – On Wednesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that nearly 200 banks and credit unions will issue 90-day waivers on mortgage payments to those affected by COVID-19. Participating institutions include Citibank, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, and U.S. Bank, he said. Foreclosures will be halted for at least 60 days, while late payments will not negatively impact credit reports. Newsom also provided updates on the statewide stay at home order, closures in parking lots at state parks, efforts to deliver personal protective equipment to health care workers, assistance to homeless residents.

People Wait Hours to be Tested for Coronavirus at Drive-up Site Near Dodger Stadium

Thursday, March 26 (KTLA5) – People lined up for COVID-19 testing at a drive-up site in Elysian Park, near Dodger Stadium, where Opening Day for the MLB would have been on Thursday. The line of cars stretched more than a mile and included people who had booked appointments. Officials said there is now a waiting list for appointments. Testing is available in Los Angeles for people with COVID-19 symptoms who are 65 and older and have underlying conditions, and/or who’ve been quarantined after exposure to someone who has tested positive. Of 9,400 tests completed in Los Angeles County by Wednesday, 10% were positive.

US Senate Unanimously Approves Historic, $2T COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

Thursday, March 26 (The National Law Review) – The U.S. Senate unanimously approved the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act on Wednesday, March 25. The CARES Act expands unemployment insurance, including for self-employed, sole proprietors, and independent contractors. It also allows participants of IRAs to withdraw up to $100,000 in emergency funds. Also, the bill covers a refundable tax credit for individuals, providing $1,200 for singles and $2,400 for joint taxpayers, and a refundable payroll tax credit for businesses. Other parts of the plan include the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses, the $454 billion Exchange Stabilization Fund for larger businesses, and relief for financial, educational, and health care institutions as well as state and municipal governments.

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