This Week In The News (12/02-12/06)

This Week In The News December 2nd to December 6th 2019

Motorcyclist Injured In Freeway Accident Awarded $21.5 Million

Wednesday, December 4 (CBS Los Angeles) – Hardin Irvine Automotive Inc. and mechanic Justin Dimapasac were ordered by a jury to pay $21.5 million to a man injured in a February 8, 2018 crash. Matthew Rada, 28, had brought the case to the Los Angeles Superior Court in March 2018. He was seriously injured when the mechanic struck the plaintiff’s motorcycle after veering out of an HOV lane on the 405 Freeway, causing the plaintiff to careen across three lanes into a flatbed trailer. The mechanic was test driving a car at the time. The accident was captured by the helmet camera of another motorcyclist, who voluntarily turned over the footage, according to court papers.

Rain Creating Dangerous Driving Conditions Across SoCal; Multiple Big Rigs Crash on Slick Roadways

Wednesday, December 4 (ABC 7) – During a Wednesday morning rainstorm, part of a 30,000 pound semi-truck jackknifed on the northbound 710 Freeway connector to the 60 Freeway in East Los Angeles. The accident resulted in multi-mile backups. A Sigalert was issued at about 4:26 a.m. The tractor-trailer was dangling over the side of a bridge, according to a California Highway Patrol report, and the driver was transported to a local hospital with facial injuries. Two additional big rig crashes were reported on the southbound 5 Freeway at around 3:40 a.m.

Companies Want Changes to ‘Subjective’ California Data Privacy Rules

Monday, December 2 ( – The first public comment session on proposed rules for the California Consumer Privacy Act, to go into effect January 1, took place in Sacramento on Monday. Lobbyists, attorneys, and trade group representatives attended, most taking notes. The meeting lasted 90 minutes. Although there were few speakers, bankers, insurers, software developers, and others have complained the rules are vague and cumbersome, contain technical problems, and add too many requirements. Additional hearings are scheduled while the final regulations are expected to take effect July 1.

Organs of 9-Year-Old Killed in Thanksgiving Hunting Accident Saved 3 Lives

Tuesday, December 3 (Fox 5 San Diego) – The organs of 9-year-old Colton Williams, who was accidentally shot and killed by his father during a Thanksgiving hunting trip in South Carolina, have been used to save three other children, as reported by WRDW. The boy’s organs were donated to two children in South Carolina while a third child in Virginia was saved with the boy’s liver. Counselors were on hand Monday morning at Kelly Edwards Elementary School in Williston, South Carolina, where Colton was on the honor roll. No charges have been filed.

Driver Dies After Hitting Palm Tree in East County Police Chase

Monday, December 2 (Fox 5 San Diego) – A driver was killed when he crashed into a palm tree in La Mesa during a Monday morning police chase. He was spotted speeding away when police responded to a call about a fight at an apartment complex near I-8 and Lake Murray Boulevard. The force of the crash pushed the car across the street from the tree it hit. According to the La Mesa Police Department, the man was pronounced dead on the scene after firefighters tried to rescue him.

Technology Meant to Detect Blackouts Could Help Prevent Wildfires in California

Monday, December 2 (Capital Public Radio) – A software tool to detect power line problems, developed by B. Don Russell, may turn out to be a wildfire prevention system. The electrical engineering professor at Texas A&M University created the diagnostic tool, known as Distribution Fault Anticipation, to help prevent electrocutions from downed live wires. But it has the potential to identify degrading lines that can trigger a fire. It is currently being used in San Antonio and Austin, Texas, and is being tested by PG&E and Southern California Edison, which have been blamed for recent destructive and deadly fires.

2 Horses Break Away From Carriage, Crash Into Barriers Near Festival of Light in Riverside

Monday, December 2 (CBS Los Angeles) – Two horses crashed into a street barrier near the Festival of Lights in downtown Riverside on Sunday night. Witnesses say the horses were running down Orange Street, near the Mission Inn, and crashed into k-rails. A city spokesman said the two horses had been pulling a carriage when they became unhitched; later, a broken bolt was found on the carriage. The horses were not seriously injured in the crash.

California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA Starts 1 Jan 2020

Monday, December 2 (The National Law Review) – The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will go into effect on January 1, 2020, signifying a monumental change in privacy regulations. The compliance deadline for U.S. businesses is at the end of January. Representing global privacy norms, the regulation follows Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal and the Equifax breach. It focuses on general privacy protection rather than personal data being a company asset.

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