What Damages Can I Recover in a Medical Malpractice Suit?

Medical Negligence claim and gavel on a table.

Trusted Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Los Angeles

Have you ever felt that your daily work was obstructed in any way after you saw your doctor? If you did, you may have been a victim of medical malpractice. If proven, you could be eligible for compensation for any damage done by the medical practice or the doctor. If a family member has suffered from a wrongful and untimely death, the family can be eligible to get compensation for emotional and physical distress that was caused.

The following are the types of damages which could be included in a successful medical malpractice claim.

Punitive Damages

This is for those times when the doctor knows that what they did could harm to the wellbeing of the patient. The laws for this and its subsequent calculation vary from state to state. For example, a doctor does an appendectomy (removal of appendix) and leaves a sponge unintentionally in the patient’s body who later complains of cramps and pains.

General or non-Economic Damages

The damage done to the patient are given monetary compensation and include the loss of the ability to earn wages in the future, the inability to enjoy life, and the emotional and physical harm done to them because of the procedure. This is understandably different for different cases and is often difficult to measure.

Special Damages are Measurable

Special damages are granted by the court and are easy to put in monetary terms like rehab costs, hospital bills and the cost of medications to be given for the course of the treatment. If the figures for these damages are not available, the attorney works out a high estimate for them and uses it to take the case forward.

Laws of Medical Malpractice in California

In some states, insurance amounts and lawyer fees are factored in when calculating compensation and damages. The quantifiable damages will be there, but the non-economic damages may be reduced considerably in some states. The statute in California for general damages is $4,250,000

Survival or Wrong death?

In survival statutes, family members will be able to receive monetary compensation for the deceased family member in malpractice suits. This is from the time the person started suffering because of the malpractice to the time of their death.

The damages for family members will be given in case of wrongful death statutes. This includes future earnings, inclusive of salary. Some states have laws that elucidate that only specified people can claim these damages.

Call the Medical Malpractice Legal Professionals

No one should be left to handle a medical malpractice claim by themselves. The skilled Los Angeles medical malpractice lawyers at the Law Offices of Jacob Emrani have substantial experience recovering needed compensation for those wrongfully injured through doctor or hospital negligence.

Call us today to begin your claims: (888) 857-7706!

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